Shipping Policy

Estimated Delivery Time


USPS Priority Mail - Deliveries arrive in 1-3 Business days depending on where your gift basket or special items are going.


First-Class Mail - Deliveries arrive in 3 days or less.



FedEx Ground-  for quick delivery in 1-5 business days (with most packages arriving within 3 business days).  Shipping prices vary according to package weight.


N.B Please note that the delivery times listed above are to be used as a guide. Packages may arrive sooner or later than seen in the estimate above.


Customs Fees

Customs fees will vary based on the weight of the item, the size as well as the cost. We are not liable to cover customs fees. 


Lost, Stolen or Undelivered Packages

PLEASE NOTE that we are NOT responsible for lost, stolen, or undelivered packages. ALL LOST, STOLEN, OR RETURNED packages are the responsibility of the buyer. In the rare event of a mail carrier failure, please contact your local carrier directly with any questions or concerns.